Materials: BRADA Laptop support, 3"x1" Wood slat, you need around 6 inches for length, 1/2" x 4" Bolt, with 2 washers and 2 nuts, 2x 1/4" x 2" Bolts, with 2 washers and 1 nut per bolt, Super Clamp
Description: Photographers will love this. This is a hack to attach a laptop stand to your tripod so you can shoot on the fly. The back of the Brada laptop stand is reinforced with a strip of wooden slat and bolted securely.
The center bolt has to bear the weight of your laptop and probably the only thing stopping your laptop from turning into a pile of broken glass. The bolt is then "Super Clamp
See more of the tripod Laptop stand.
~ Jerrit Pruyn - Fstoppers, NYC