Materials: Red 2x4 Expedit, Ikea drywall screws, Dioder lights, duck tape
Description: I have seen a lot of folks on here use the Expedit as record storage but I don't have a large collection and I wanted something that would fit into a small corner space.
I liked the glossy red Expedit and figured with the 2x4 size I could not only house my records but also my turntable, speakers, iPod speaker system
To get the look I wanted I built the Expedit according to instructions but left out the last short divider so I would have a double length shelf at the top of the unit on which to rest my turntable and speakers.
You do have to secure the long shelf to the divider beneath it and I have seen other folks cut the dowels down so they are flush with the shelf but I decided screws would make it more secure.
The Ikea drywall screws that come in their multi-screw kits were the right width and length to accomplish this, only downside being a rounded head as opposed to flat so they are not flush with the shelf. Easy to switch to the same size screw at a local hardware store that has a flat head.
I installed the color changing Dioder lights to the unit so I can easily read the record labels and see the grooves of the LP when playing my records. The lights are thin enough that you can still flip through your records without hitting them.
To hide all of the cords at the back I found glossy red duck tape at the local hardware store that matched perfectly with the Expedit and I ran it along the shelf lines at the back. I left the protective film on the back of the unit so I could tape to that rather than the unit itself so it won't leave residue if I decide to use the unit for something else in the future. Voila!
~ Lauren, Phoenix