I've always thought IKEA prices were standard round the world and wherever you go the price for a BILLY is a BILLY. Nope, if you take a look at Idealo's price comparison research. From the results, it seems I should be moving to Poland, the country with the lowest prices for IKEA, with or without VAT.
Singaporeans and Australians, you've been paying the most for your IKEA fix. And my American friends, Portland's the place to shop IKEA.
The survey by Idealo.co.uk is an analysis of the prices worldwide of 40 popular IKEA products prices in 33 countries with an IKEA presence. Here are some of the highlights from the research:
Highlights for the US:
- IKEA Prices in Portland, OR (lowest U.S. sales tax - 0%) rank as the third cheapest in the world.
- IKEA Prices in Seattle, WA (highest U.S. sales tax - 9.5%) rank as the 17th cheapest in the world.
- IKEA Prices in Canada are 12% higher than in Portland, OR
- IKEA Prices in Portland, OR rank as the most affordable in the world relative to the U.S. economy.
- IKEA Prices in Canada rank as the 10th most affordable in the world relative to the Canadian economy.
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Highlights for the rest of the World:
- IKEA is the most expensive in Australia and cheapest in Poland
- The Region of Asia (Australia, Japan, China & Singapore) has the most expensive IKEA prices in the world.
- The Region of the Americas (Canada, United States & Dominican Republic) has the 2nd most expensive IKEA prices in the world.
- The Dominican Republic has the least affordable IKEA prices in the world relative to their economy.
- Western Europe and Eastern Europe have nearly identical prices on average, despite the economic disparity between regions.
You can find full details here.

Highlights for the rest of the World:
- IKEA is the most expensive in Australia and cheapest in Poland
- The Region of Asia (Australia, Japan, China & Singapore) has the most expensive IKEA prices in the world.
- The Region of the Americas (Canada, United States & Dominican Republic) has the 2nd most expensive IKEA prices in the world.
- The Dominican Republic has the least affordable IKEA prices in the world relative to their economy.
- Western Europe and Eastern Europe have nearly identical prices on average, despite the economic disparity between regions.
You can find full details here.