Materials: Numerar 96" countertop, Vika Alex drawer thing that used to hold up my old craft table, and six Vika Moliden legs
Description: The perfect desk for two people sharing an office is a desk long enough to be their work space, but also visibly divided so they don't encroach on each other's
tabletop turf (which, ahem, is what my husband tends to do).
I was worried about weight distribution because the butcher block weighs about 200 pounds, so I was originally going to use eight legs to hold it up. But that was super duper aesthetically displeasing, and I was psyched to remember that we still had that white drawer unit.
So I put four legs in the back, two in the front, and anchored the front more with the drawers. The butcher block comes raw, since it's intended for kitchen use, so I sealed it with four or five layers of water-based poly. Also, all the cables and modems and surge protectors and things are hanging off the underside of the tabletop in the back, dangling from screw hooks, which keeps them off the floor and makes them nearly invisible from most vantage points in the room.
See more of the butcher block double desk.
~ Anna, Philadelphia
I was worried about weight distribution because the butcher block weighs about 200 pounds, so I was originally going to use eight legs to hold it up. But that was super duper aesthetically displeasing, and I was psyched to remember that we still had that white drawer unit.
So I put four legs in the back, two in the front, and anchored the front more with the drawers. The butcher block comes raw, since it's intended for kitchen use, so I sealed it with four or five layers of water-based poly. Also, all the cables and modems and surge protectors and things are hanging off the underside of the tabletop in the back, dangling from screw hooks, which keeps them off the floor and makes them nearly invisible from most vantage points in the room.
See more of the butcher block double desk.
~ Anna, Philadelphia