Materials: Lack TV stand + capita legs and Lack side table
Description: I wanted a simple low stand for my AV equipment to go under the projection screen. The Ikea Lack stand was a perfect starting point due to its deep 24" top surface (my AV receiver is more than 19" deep not counting banana plugs). However, I also wanted a 2nd shelf to elevate my center channel speaker and give an additional spot for my bluray player.
I did some checking and found that the Lack Side table (the one for only $9.99) had the same depth and thickness, so it would make a perfect raised shelf. I thought about just doing it with the original Lack legs and cutting them to length, but I prefer the look of the stainless Capita legs and they also provide adjustment to level things if needed. In addition, they have a smaller footprint, which allowed my wider than average blueray player to fit in between.
So very simple, just assemble the main Lack sections, predrill for the Capital legs. I found the closer to the edge, the more solid wood was available. The Lack is hollow as you move inward. I used 6" legs for the bottom and 4" legs for the raised center shelf. For now the center channel shelf is just free standing, not attached permanently. I will probably go back and fix the legs with screws.
~ Bill