Materials: Rast + decoupage+ new brass fittings
Description: I have been very inspired by the other Rast hacks posted here, especially the ones with brass hardware attached to look like a travel chest. Being a map nerd, I decided to combine the two.
1) Stain the frame with dark oak wood stain. I applied around 3 thin coats
2) Cut maps to size, stick down with PVA glue + coat with clear matte varnish
3) Whilst this is drying (takes forever!), age brass-effect corners using a solution of vinegar, lemon juice & salt. Take out to dry once tarnished.
4) Construct drawers, add antique brass handles & affix brass corners. Voila!
I actually have another one waiting in the wings but made a crucial error at stage 2 involving me gluing the maps on upside down... Be sure to have the ridge at the bottom when you paper over the fronts or you will be very disappointed!
~ Lauren, London