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Cancer - What is oral hairy leukoplakia
Search Results
- cancer oral hairy leukoplakia
- Oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) is generally reported in patients with severe immunosuppression, except for a few cases in individuals with moderate degree of immunodeficiency
- the relationship between and among viral load, CD4 counts, oral candidiasis and oral hairy leukoplakia, pigmentation; and the development of a reliable oral index to predict disease progression
- Oral Candidiasis constituted the most common lesion representing a 61% (39/64), followed by Oral Hairy Leukoplakia 53% (34/64); Oral Leukoplakia 34% (22/64), Melanic Hyperpigmentation 38% (18/64); Papilloma 13 (6/64), Lineal Gingival Erythema 8% (5/64); Aphtous Recurrent Stomatitis 5% (4/64) and Kaposi`s Sarcoma 5% (3/64)
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