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Cancer - What is oral bleeds concern
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- cancer oral bleeds concern
Preview- It appears that, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS) 90percent of people with oral tooth (i.e., dens) decay (i.e., putrefaction) cancers are tobacco users. Tobacco is a plant with leaves that have high levels of the addictive chemical nicotine. The leaves may be smoked (in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes), applied to the gums (as dipping and chewing tobacco), or inhaled (as snuff). Tobacco leaves also contain many cancer-causing chemicals, and tobacco use and exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke have been linked to many types of cancer and other diseases. The scientific name is Nicotiana tabacum.
- It really is obvious that, tongue (i.e., glossa, or lingua) cancer is a common form of oral cancer that causes tumors and lesions on the tongue. ALL is an aggressive (fast-growing) type of leukemia (blood cancer) in which too many lymphoblasts (immature white (i.e., albicans) blood cells) are found in the blood and bone marrow. Also called acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia (i.e., lymphatic leukemia, or lymphoid leukemia). Oral cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the oral cavity (the mouth) or the oropharynx (i.e., pars oralis pharyngis, or oral part of pharynx) (the part of the throat (i.e., gullet) at the back of the mouth). Tongue cancer, cancer that begins in the tongue. When the cancer begins in the front two-thirds of the tongue, it is considered to be a type of oral cavity cancer; when the cancer begins in the back third of the tongue, it is considered to be a type of oropharyngeal or throat cancer. Cavity is a hollow area or hole. It may describe a body cavity (i.e., celom, or celoma) (such as the space (i.e., spatium) within the abdomen (i.e., venter)) or a hole in a tooth caused by decay. Oral cavity, refers to the mouth. It includes the lips, the lining inside the cheeks and lips, the front two thirds of the tongue, the upper and lower (i.e., inferior, or lower tubercle) gums, the floor of the mouth under the tongue, the bony roof of the mouth, and the small area behind the wisdom teeth.
- It`s obvious that, neoplastic or cancerous oral lesions may appear as white or erythematous patches, ulcerated lesions, or masses.
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