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Cancer - What is reducing risk gingival infection
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- cancer reducing risk gingival infection
Preview- Evidently, the is designed to reduce the risk of cervical (i.e., cervicalis). Cervical, relating to the neck (i.e., cervix (i.e., neck, or cervix of uterus), or collum), or to the neck of any organ or structure. Cervical lymph nodes are located in the neck. Cervical cancer refers to cancer of the uterine cervix, which is the lower (i.e., inferior, or lower tubercle), narrow end (the neck ) of the uterus (i.e., metra, or womb (i.e., uterus)). Cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus that forms a canal (i.e., canalis) between the uterus and vagina (i.e., sheath). Cervical cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the cervix (the organ connecting the uterus and vagina). It is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can be found with regular Pap tests (a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and looked at under a microscope). Cervical cancer is almost always caused by human papillomavirus (i.e., papilloma virus) (HPV) infection. HPV is a type of virus that can cause abnormal tissue growth (for example, warts) and other changes to cells. Infection for a long time with certain types of HPV can cause cervical cancer. HPV may also play a role in some other types of cancer, such as anal, vaginal, vulvar, penile (i.e., penial), oropharyngeal, and squamous (i.e., scaly) cell skin cancers. Also called human papillomavirus.
- For instance, relating either to the cervix (the cervix of the womb) or to the cervical vertebrae in the neck (cervical spine (i.e., vertebral column, or spina). Spine is the bones, muscles, tendons, and other tissues that reach from the base (i.e., basis, or basement) of the skull (i.e., cranium) to the tailbone. The spine encloses the spinal cord (i.e., medulla spinalis, or chorda spinalis) and the fluid surrounding the spinal cord. Also called backbone (i.e., vertebral column (i.e., columna vertebralis, or spine)), spinal column (i.e., vertebral column) (i.e., columna), and vertebral column.
- It`s apparent that, signs of an anaphylactic reaction (i.e., anaphylaxis) include.
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