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Cancer - What is xerostomia present
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- cancer xerostomia present
Preview- It`s possible to presume that, the observed incidence of late degree two xerostomia in the present serial compared favorably. Incidence is the number of new cases of a disease (i.e., illness, or morbus) diagnosed each year.
- It would seem to be apparant that, related to dysphagia, and indirectly related to dry mouth, were analyzed in the nowadays.
- Finally, it`s possible to observe, this may be especially true for individuals with early satiety, anorexia, and alteration in taste, xerostomia, mucositis, nausea (i.e., sicchasia), or diarrhea. Mucositis is a complication of some cancer therapies in which the lining of the digestive (i.e., digestant) system becomes inflamed. Often seen as sores in the mouth. Anorexia is an abnormal (i.e., deviant) loss of the appetite (i.e., orexia) for food. Anorexia can be caused by cancer, AIDS (i.e., acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), a mental (i.e., genial, or genian) disorder (i. e. , anorexia nervosa), or other diseases. Nausea is a feeling of sickness (i.e., disease) or discomfort in the stomach (i.e., gaster, or ventriculus) that may come with an urge to vomit (i.e., vomitus). Nausea is a side effect (i.e., adverse effect) of some types of cancer therapy (i.e., therapeusis, or therapia). Alteration is a change resulting in something that is different from the original. Diarrhea, frequent and watery bowel (i.e., intestine) movements.
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