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What is cancer 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxy geldanamycin?
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- cancer 17-n-allylamino-17-demethoxy geldanamycin
Preview- Seemingly, b2 overexpression in an ovarian cancer cell line confers sensitivity (i.e., esthesia) to the HSP (Hereditary spastic (i.e., hypertonic) paraplegia (i.e., erb-charcot disease) (HSP))90 inhibitor geldanamycin. Ovarian, having to do with the ovaries, the female reproductive glands in which the ova (eggs) are formed. The ovaries are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus (i.e., metra, or womb). Cancer cell line, cancer cells that keep dividing and growing over time, under certain conditions in a laboratory. Cancer cell lines are used in research to study the biology of cancer and to test cancer treatments. Ovarian cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the ovary (i.e., ovarium, or female gonad) (one of a pair of female reproductive glands in which the ova, or eggs, are formed). Most ovarian cancers are either ovarian epithelial carcinomas (cancer that begins in the cells on the surface (i.e., face, or facies) of the ovary) or malignant germ cell (i.e., sex cell) tumors (cancer that begins in egg cells). Tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue that results when cells divide more than they should or do not die when they should. Tumors may be benign (not cancer), or malignant (cancer). Also called neoplasm (i.e., new growth, or tumor). Cell is the individual unit that makes up the tissues of the body. All living things are made up of one or more cells. Sensitivity, when referring to a medical test, sensitivity refers to the percentage of people who test positive for a specific disease among a group of people who have the disease. No test has 100% sensitivity because some people who have the disease will test negative for it (false negatives). HSP, one of a group of proteins that help protect cells from stresses such as heat, cold (i.e., frigid), and low amounts of oxygen or glucose (sugar). HSPs help other proteins function in normal cells and may be present at high levels in cancer cells. Blocking the activity of a HSP called HSP90 is being studied in the treatment of cancer. Other HSPs including HSP70 and gp96 are being studied in vaccines to treat cancer. Also called heat-shock protein and stress protein.
- It is clear that, cancer Res sixty one 40034009|||| Villa R, Folini M, Porta (i.e., hilum, or interventricular foramen) CD, Valentini A, Pennati M, Daidone MG, Zaffaroni N two thousand three Inhibition of telomerase activity by geldanamycin and 17-allylamino, 17-demethoxygeldanamycin in human melanoma (i.e., malignant melanoma) cells. Melanoma is a form of cancer that begins in melanocytes (cells that make the pigment melanin (i.e., melanotic pigment)). It may begin in a mole (i.e., nevus, or nevus pigmentosus) (skin melanoma), but can also begin in other pigmented tissues, such as in the eye (i.e., oculus) or in the intestines. Telomerase is an enzyme (i.e., organic catalyst) in cells that helps keep them alive by adding DNA to telomeres (the ends of chromosomes). Each time a cell divides, the telomeres lose a small amount of DNA and become shorter. Over time, the chromosomes become damaged and the cells die. Telomerase helps keep this from happening. Cancer cells usually have more telomerase than most normal cells.
- It`s possible to observe, a, time course of PSA change in a patient with prostate (i.e., prostata, or glandula prostatica) cancer treated with two hundred ten mg (milligram)/m2 17-AAG on the continuous twice-weekly schedule (dose level 15). Schedule is in a clinical setting, the step-by-step plan for how patients are to be treated; for example, the drug or type of radiation (i.e., radiatio) therapy (i.e., therapeusis, or therapia) that is to be given, the method by which it is to be given, the amount of time between courses, and the total length of treatment. 17-AAG is a substance being studied in the treatment of cancer. It is made from an antibiotic called geldanamycin. 17-AAG helps cause the breakdown of certain proteins in the cell, and may kill cancer cells. It is a type of antineoplastic antibiotic and a type of HSP90 inhibitor. Also called 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin and tanespimycin. Prostate cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the prostate (a gland in the male reproductive system (i.e., genital system) found below the bladder and in front of the rectum). Prostate cancer usually occurs in older men. Prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. The prostate surrounds the part of the urethra (the tube (i.e., tuba) that empties the bladder) just below the bladder, and produces a fluid that forms part of the semen (i.e., seed, or seminal fluid). PSA is a protein made by the prostate gland (i.e., prostate) and found in the blood. PSA blood levels may be higher than normal in men who have prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (i.e., numeric hypertrophy, or quantitative hypertrophy) (BPH), or infection or inflammation of the prostate gland. Also called prostate-specific antigen.
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