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What is cancer MGUS?
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- cancer mgus
Preview- It really is obvious that, the Kyle two thousand two NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)) (New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) (standard PubMed abbreviation is N Engl J Med) (NEJM)) study of 11,009 person-year follow-up of 1,384 MGUS patients seen at the Mayo-clinic network (i.e., net, or rete) over twenty five years found that one hundred fifteen progressed to myeloma, Waldenstroms lymphoma, primary amyloid, lymphoma, CLL,or plasmacytoma (relative risk of myeloma in MGUS patients=25 fold (i.e., plica) the normal population). Lymphoma, cancer that begins in cells of the immune system. There are two basic categories of lymphomas. One kind is Hodgkin lymphoma (i.e., hodgkin disease (i.e., illness, or morbus)), which is marked by the presence of a type of cell called the Reed-Sternberg cell (i.e., reed cell, or sternberg cell) (i.e., reed-sternberg cell). The other category is non-Hodgkin lymphomas, which includes a large, diverse group of cancers of immune system cells. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas can be further divided into cancers that have an indolent (slow-growing) course and those that have an aggressive (fast-growing) course. These subtypes behave and respond to treatment differently. Both Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas can occur in children and adults, and prognosis and treatment depend on the stage and the type of cancer. Relative risk is a measure of the risk of a certain event happening in one group compared to the risk of the same event happening in another group. In cancer research, relative risk is used in prospective (forward looking) studies, such as cohort studies and clinical trials. A relative risk of one means there is no difference between two groups in terms of their risk of cancer, based on whether or not they were exposed to a certain substance or factor (i.e., gene), or how they responded to two treatments being compared. A relative risk of greater than one or of less than one usually means that being exposed to a certain substance or factor either increases (relative risk greater than one) or decreases (relative risk less than one) the risk of cancer, or that the treatments being compared do not have the same effects. Also called risk ratio. Follow-up, monitoring a person`s health over time after treatment. This includes keeping track of the health of people who participate in a clinical study or clinical trial for a period of time, both during the study and after the study ends. Myeloma, cancer that arises in plasma cells, a type of white blood cell. Plasma cell is a type of immune cell that makes large amounts of a specific antibody. Plasma cells develop from B cells that have been activated. A plasma cell is a type of white blood cell. Also called plasmacyte (i.e., plasma cell). Plasmacytoma is a type of cancer that begins in plasma cells (white blood cells that produce antibodies). A plasmacytoma may turn into multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that begins in plasma cells (white blood cells that produce antibodies). Also called Kahler disease, myelomatosis, and plasma cell myeloma (i.e., multiple myeloma). CLL is an indolent (slow-growing) cancer in which too many immature lymphocytes (white blood cells) are found mostly in the blood and bone (i.e., os) marrow (i.e., medulla ossium). Sometimes, in later stages of the disease, cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes and the disease is called small lymphocytic lymphoma (i.e., well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, or white spot disease). Lymphocytic, refers to lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). Also called chronic lymphocytic leukemia (i.e., leukocytic sarcoma) (i.e., lymphatic leukemia, or lymphoid leukemia). Lymphocytic leukemia is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many lymphocytes (white blood cells). Leukemia, cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of blood cells to be produced and enter the bloodstream. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is an indolent (slow-growing) cancer in which too many immature lymphocytes (white blood cells) are found mostly in the blood and bone marrow. Sometimes, in later stages of the disease, cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes and the disease is called small lymphocytic lymphoma. Also called CLL. Chronic is a disease or condition that persists or progresses over a long period of time. Condition is in medicine, a health problem with certain characteristics or symptoms.
- One can view, i do not personally believe that Ig.
- Evidently, m myeloma exists, and do not marrow Ig.
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