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What is cancer organelle?
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- cancer organelle
Preview- It would seem to be apparant that, for example, inhibition of such mechanisms to reduce mitochondrial folding capacity may slow cancer cell proliferation, while boosting signaling and increasing the organelle`s folding capacity may allow cells to better deal with the unfolded protein stress and mitochondrial dysfunction associated with aging. Cell proliferation is an increase in the number of cells as a result of cell growth and cell division (i.e., divisio). Stress is the response of the body to physical, mental (i.e., genial, or genian), or emotional pressure. This may make a person feel frustrated, angry, or anxious, and may cause unhealthy chemical changes in the body. Untreated, long-term stress may lead to many types of mental and physical health problems. Protein is a molecule made up of amino acids. Proteins are needed for the body to function properly. They are the basis (i.e., base) of body structures, such as skin and hair (i.e., pilus), and of other substances such as enzymes, cytokines, and antibodies.
- It`s obvious that, sKI provides a fantastic environment to gain a better understanding of this dysfunction and how cancer cells adapt to it.
- It`s obvious that, with all the alterations in mitochondria observed in a wide range of cancer cells, including increased reactive oxygen species, mutations in mitochondrial DNA as well as the shift (i.e., change) in metabolism away from mitochondrial-dependent respiration (i.e., ventilation), the organelle`s protein folding environment is almost certainly stressed. Reactive oxygen species is a type of unstable molecule that contains oxygen and that easily reacts with other molecules in a cell. A body-build up of reactive oxygen species in cells may cause damage to DNA, RNA, and proteins, and may cause cell decease. Reactive oxygen species are free radicals. Also called atomic number 8 radical. Metabolism is the chemical changes that take place in a cell or an organism. Organism is a living thing, such as an animal, a plant, a bacterium, or a fungus. These changes make energy and the materials cells and organisms need to grow, reproduce, and stay healthy. Metabolism also helps get rid of toxic (i.e., poisonous) substances. Oxygen is a colorless, odorless gas. It is needed for animal and plant life. Oxygen that is breathed in enters the blood from the lungs and travels to the tissues. Tissue is a group or layer (i.e., panniculus) of cells that work together to perform a specific function.
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