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What is cancer phytol?
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- cancer phytol
This is the first report showing that the polyunsaturated phytol side chain in tocotrienols is involved in an antioxidative activity and it may also have a preventive effect against the E2 epoxide induced breast cancer carcinogenesis at the initiation
Abstract Dihydroactinidiolide (1) and a mixture of sterols [campesterol (2), stigmasterol (3) and beta-sitosterol (4)], together with the previously isolated individual compounds beta-sitosterol (4), 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (5), alpha-tocopherol (6), phytol (7) were isolated from the active ethyl acetate fraction of Pereskia bleo (Kunth) DC
Women: medical questions about pregnancy, breast cancer, or menopause
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