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- cancer cell
Preview- One can recognize, although cancer cells can be quite common in a person they are only malignant when the other cells (particularly ) fail to recognize and/or destroy them. Malignant, cancerous. Malignant cells can invade and destroy nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body.
- It seems to be, the personal effects of such cistron reactivation on phenotypic responses of cancer cells must be further explored in subsequent studies.
- It really is clear that, because 17-AAG has been shown to induce programmed cell death (i.e., mors) (i.e., apoptosis) of cancer cell lines, and thyroid cancer cells are frequently resistant. 17-AAG is a substance being studied in the treatment of cancer. It is made from an antibiotic called geldanamycin. 17-AAG helps cause the breakdown of certain proteins in the cell, and may kill cancer cells. It is a type of antineoplastic antibiotic and a type of HSP90 inhibitor. Also called 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin and tanespimycin. Thyroid cancer, cancer that forms in the thyroid gland (i.e., glandula thyroidea, or thyroid body) (i.e., glandula) (an organ at the base (i.e., basis, or basement) of the throat (i.e., gullet) that makes hormones that help control heart (i.e., cor, or coeur) rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and weight). Four main types of thyroid cancer are papillary, follicular, medullary (i.e., medullar), and anaplastic thyroid cancer. The four types are based on how the cancer cells look under a microscope. Thyroid is a gland located beneath the larynx (voice (i.e., vox) box) that makes thyroid hormone and calcitonin (i.e., thyrocalcitonin). The thyroid helps regulate growth and metabolism. Also called thyroid gland.
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