Materials: BJURSTA Bar Table
Description: We have been looking around for ages for a good rabbit house but of course none of them met the specs which we had in mind nor were they very "quality for money". So, we hacked! We luckily got a new (larger and more oval shaped) wood kitchen table from my partner's sister for 25 Euros (super cheap and beautiful natural wood) so naturally we were thrilled to have the opportunity to turn our Bjusta bar table into a much needed Bunny house for our two best friends.
We used:
- a whole lotta love!
- Flexa paint
- leftover laminate flooring from our apartment
- the Bjursta table (of course! But chopped in half :))
- extra wood from our local hardware store as well as trimming
- some hook locks and new handles and hinges
- chicken wire
- 6 kitchen tiles (rabbits like to sit on them in the summer to cool down)
We pretty much sawed the table in half down the middle. We used one half for the top and one half for the bottom and built a shelf in between.
We also built the door frames ourselves and placed chicken wire in the center for air and of course to make the socialising between us all a bit easier ;)
We added some trim to the top as well as all around the bottom to add some charm and to make the piece not look so straight-lined and fit more with our livingroom decor.
Now it's onwards to the next project for this DIY couple! Have fun everyone and feel free to leave a comment or query if you have any!
~ Andrea, Utrecht, the Netherlands

We used:
- a whole lotta love!
- Flexa paint
- leftover laminate flooring from our apartment
- the Bjursta table (of course! But chopped in half :))
- extra wood from our local hardware store as well as trimming
- some hook locks and new handles and hinges
- chicken wire
- 6 kitchen tiles (rabbits like to sit on them in the summer to cool down)
We pretty much sawed the table in half down the middle. We used one half for the top and one half for the bottom and built a shelf in between.
We also built the door frames ourselves and placed chicken wire in the center for air and of course to make the socialising between us all a bit easier ;)
We added some trim to the top as well as all around the bottom to add some charm and to make the piece not look so straight-lined and fit more with our livingroom decor.
Now it's onwards to the next project for this DIY couple! Have fun everyone and feel free to leave a comment or query if you have any!
~ Andrea, Utrecht, the Netherlands