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Cancer - What is intracavitary implants
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- cancer intracavitary implants
Preview- It would appear that, figure two 3-D image is of an intracavitary implant for a nasopharyngeal (i.e., rhinopharyngeal) cancer. Nasopharyngeal cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the nasopharynx (i.e., pars nasalis pharyngis, or epipharynx) (upper part of the throat (i.e., gullet) behind the nose (i.e., nasus)). Most nasopharyngeal cancers are squamous (i.e., scaly) cell carcinomas (cancer that begins in flat cells lining the nasopharynx). 3-D is a graphic display of depth, width, and height. Also called 3-dimensional.
- You can notice, d image of an intracavitary implant for nasopharyngeal cancer.
- It`s possible to notice, intracavitary implants differ by the type of applier used.
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