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What is cancer aminopterin?
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- cancer aminopterin
Preview- It would seem to be apparant that, now in a more pure preparation and supported by laboratory evidence of superior (i.e., cranial) tumour cell uptake in vitro, aminopterin is being investigated in clinical trials in cancer of the blood as a potentially superior antifolate to methotrexate (i.e., amethopterin). Methotrexate is a drug used to treat some types of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis (i.e., articular rheumatism), and severe skin conditions, such as psoriasis. Methotrexate stops cells from making DNA and may kill cancer cells. It is a type of antimetabolite. Also called amethopterin (i.e., methotrexate), MTX, and Rheumatrex. Blood is a tissue with red blood cells, white (i.e., albicans) blood cells, platelets, and other substances suspended in fluid called plasma (i.e., blood plasma). Blood takes oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, and carries away wastes. Cell is the individual unit that makes up the tissues of the body. All living things are made up of one or more cells. Antifolate is a type of drug that stops cells from using folic acid (i.e., lactobacillus casei factor, or liver (i.e., hepar) lactobacillus casei factor) to make DNA and may kill cancer cells. Acid is a chemical that gives off hydrogen ions in water (i.e., aromatic water) and forms salts by combining with certain metals. Acids have a sour taste and turn certain dyes red. Some acids made by the body, such as gastric (i.e., gastricus) acid, can help organs work the way they should. An example of an acid is hydrochloric acid. Acidity is measured on a scale (i.e., squama) called the pH scale (i.e., s????rensen scale). On this scale, a value of 7 is neutral, and a pH value of less than 7 to 0 shows increasing acidity. Folic acid is a nutrient in the vitamin B complex (i.e., sequence) that the body needs in small amounts to function and stay healthy. Vitamin is a nutrient that the body needs in small amounts to function and stay healthy. Sources of vitamins are plant and animal food products and dietary supplements. Some vitamins are made in the human body from food products. Vitamins are either fat-soluble (can dissolve in fats and oils) or water-soluble (can dissolve in water). Excess fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body`s fatty tissue (i.e., adipose tissue), but excess water-soluble vitamins are removed in the urine. Examples are vitamin A (i.e., axerophthol), vitamin C (i.e., ascorbic acid), and vitamin E (i.e., ????-tocopherol, or antisterility factor). Folic acid helps to make red blood cells. It is found in whole-grain breads and cereals, liver, green vegetables, orange juice, lentils, beans, and yeast. Folic acid is water-soluble (can dissolve in water) and must be taken in every day. Not enough folic acid can cause anemia (a condition in which the number of red blood cells is below normal), diseases of the heart (i.e., cor, or coeur) and blood vessels, and defects in the brain and spinal cord (i.e., medulla spinalis, or chorda spinalis) in a fetus. Folic acid is being studied with vitamin B1 (i.e., thiamin)2 in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Also called folate. Certain antifolates are used to treat some types of cancer and inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Also called pteroylglutamic acid antagonist and folic acid antagonist. Clinical, having to do with the examination and treatment of patients. In vitro is in the laboratory (outside the body). The opposite of in vivo (in the body).
- It`s obvious that, the folate analogues methotrexate, aminopterin and pyrimethamine were toxic (i.e., poisonous) when fed in a blood meal to adult buffalo flies (Haematobia irritans exigua), but aminopterin caused greater mortality (i.e., death rate) than methotrexate, while trimethoprim was. Mortality is the state of being mortal (destined to die). Mortality also refers to the death (i.e., mors) rate (i.e., crude death rate, or lethality rate), or the number of deaths in a certain group of people in a certain period of time. Mortality may be reported for people who have a certain disease, live in one area of the country, or who are of a certain gender, age, or ethnic group. Toxic, having to do with poison or something harmful to the body. Toxic substances usually cause unwanted side effects.
- It`s obvious that, in this pre-clinical study we evaluated the in vitro natural action of both traditional antifols (amethopterin, aminopterin) and novel antifols (pemetrexed, talotrexin) in childhood acute leukemias and lymphomas. Talotrexin is a substance that is being studied in the treatment of leucaemia and some other types of cancer. It belongs to the kin of drugs called antifolates. Clinical study is a type of research study that tests how well new medical approaches work in people. These studies test new methods of screening, prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of a disease. Also called clinical trial. Leukemia, cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of blood cells to be produced and enter the bloodstream. Acute, symptoms or signs that begin and worsen quickly; not chronic.
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