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What is cancer anterior mediastinotomy?
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- cancer anterior mediastinotomy
Preview- It`s obvious that, anterior mediastinotomy A surgical procedure to look at the organs and tissues between the lungs and between the breastbone and heart for abnormal (i.e., deviant) areas. Breastbone is the long flat bone (i.e., os planum) that forms the substance front of the chest wall (i.e., thoracic wall) (i.e., paries). The breastbone is attached to the collarbone and the first gear vii ribs. Also called breastbone. Abnormal, not normal. Describes a state, condition, or behavior that is unusual or different from what is considered normal. An abnormal lesion or growth in or on the body may be benign (not cancer), precancerous (i.e., premalignant) or premalignant (i.e., precancerous) (likely to become cancer), or malignant (cancer).