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What is cancer ultrasonography?
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- cancer ultrasonography
Preview- It could seem to be apparant that, since colon cancers are known to extent to the liver (i.e., hepar) and lungs, tests may include chest (i.e., pectus) x-rays, ultrasonography, or CAT (Computerized Axial (i.e., axialis, or axile) Tomography (i.e., conventional tomography, or planigraphy) (CAT)) scan of the liver, lungs, and abdomen (i.e., venter). Scan is a picture of structures inside the body. Scans often used in diagnosing, staging, and monitoring disease (i.e., illness, or morbus) include liver scans, bone (i.e., os) scans, and computed tomography (CT) or computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans and magnetic resonance (i.e., resonant frequency) imaging (MRI) scans. In liver scanning and bone scanning, radioactive (i.e., radio-) substances that are injected into the bloodstream collect in these organs. A scanner that detects the radiation (i.e., radiatio) is used to create pictures. In CT scanning, an x-ray machine linked to a computer is used to produce detailed pictures of organs inside the body. MRI scans use a large magnet connected to a computer to create pictures of areas inside the body. Liver is a large organ located in the upper abdomen. The liver cleanses the blood and aids (i.e., acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) in digestion by secreting bile (i.e., gall). Colon is the longest part of the large intestine (i.e., bowel, or gut) (i.e., intestinum crassum), which is a tube (i.e., tuba)-like organ connected to the small intestine (i.e., intestinum tenue) at one end and the anus (i.e., anal orifice) at the other. The colon removes water (i.e., aromatic water) and some nutrients and electrolytes from partially digested food. The remaining material, solid waste called stool, moves through the colon to the rectum and leaves the body through the anus. Abdomen is the area of the body that contains the pancreas, stomach (i.e., gaster, or ventriculus), intestines, liver, gallbladder (i.e., vesica biliaris, or vesica fellea), and other organs.
- It seems to be, the DCBE remains an tomography test that is also appropriate for colorectal malignant neoplastic disease screening, particularly when CTC is not available. CTC is a method to examine the inside of the colon by taking a
series of x-rays. A computer is used to make 2-dimensional (2-D) and 3-D pictures of the colon from these x-rays. The pictures can be saved, changed to give better viewing angles, and reviewed after the procedure, even years later. Also called computed tomographic colonography, computed tomography colonography, CT colonography, and virtual colonoscopy (i.e., coloscopy). Screening, checking for disease when there are no symptoms. Since screening may find diseases at an early stage, there may be a better chance of curing the disease. Examples of cancer screening tests are the mammogram (breast (i.e., mamma, or teat)), colonoscopy (colon), and the Pap test (i.e., papanicolaou smear test) and HPV test (cervix (i.e., neck, or cervix of uterus)). Screening can also include checking for a person`s risk of developing an inherited disease by doing a genetic test. Colorectal, having to do with the colon or the rectum.
It`s apparent that, the most common indication for a prostate (i.e., prostata, or glandula prostatica) gland (i.e., glandula) ultrasound (also known as a transrectal ultrasound) is to evaluate men considered at risk for prostate cancer (see prostate cancer screening. Prostate cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the prostate (a gland in the male (i.e., masculine) reproductive system (i.e., genital system) found below the bladder and in front of the rectum). Prostate cancer usually occurs in older men. Prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. The prostate surrounds the part of the urethra (the tube that empties the bladder) just below the bladder, and produces a fluid that forms part of the semen (i.e., seed, or seminal fluid). Transrectal ultrasound is a procedure in which a probe that sends out high-energy sound waves is inserted into the rectum. The sound waves are bounced off internal tissues or organs and make echoes. The echoes form a picture of body tissue called a sonogram. Transrectal ultrasound is used to look for abnormalities in the rectum and nearby structures, including the prostate. Also called endorectal ultrasound, ERUS, and TRUS. Indication is in medicine, a sign, symptom, or medical condition that leads to the recommendation of a treatment, test, or procedure.
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