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What is cancer hepatitis A virus?
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- cancer hepatitis virus
Preview- It is obvious that, a genetic variant associated with the development of liver cancer in chronic hepatitis (i.e., chronic active liver disease) C (i.e., viral hepatitis type c) virus carriers has been identified in a genome-wide study by researchers at the RIKEN Center for Genomic Medicine, Hiroshima University Hospital and Sapporo-Kosei General Hospital. Hepatitis C virus is a virus that causes hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). It is carried and passed to others through the blood and other body fluids. Different ways the virus is spread include sharing needles with an infected person and being stuck accidentally by a needle contaminated with the virus. Infants born to infected mothers may also become infected with the virus. Although patients who are infected with hepatitis C virus may not have symptoms, long-term infection may lead to cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) and liver cancer. These patients may also have an increased risk for certain types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (i.e., hodgkin disease). Also called HCV. Liver is a large organ located in the upper abdomen (i.e., venter). The liver cleanses the blood and aids (i.e., acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) in digestion by secreting bile (i.e., gall). Genetic, inherited; having to do with information that is passed from parents to offspring through genes in sperm (i.e., sperm cell, or spermatozoon) and egg cells. Genome is the complete genetic material of an organism. Liver cancer, primary liver cancer is cancer that forms in the tissues of the liver. Secondary liver cancer is cancer that spreads to the liver from another part of the body. Chronic is a disease or condition that persists or progresses over a long period of time.
- It really is clear that, hepatitis A (i.e., viral hepatitis type a) (formerly known as infectious (i.e., infective) and epidemical virus) is an of the caused by the hepatitis A virus (Hep A), an RNA virus (i.e., ribovirus), usually spread the fecal-oral route; transmitted person-to-person by ingestion of contaminated food or water (i.e., aromatic water) or through direct contact with an infectious person. Hepatitis A virus is a virus that causes a serious liver disease. It is usually spread by contact with an infected person`s commode by eating food he or she has handled after not washing hands, but it can be spread in other ways. Symptoms of infection include bitterness, dark urine, and fever and other flu-like symptoms. RNA, one of two types of nucleic acid made by cells. RNA contains information that has been copied from DNA (the other type of nucleic acid). Cells make several different forms of RNA, and each form has a specific job in the cell. Many forms of RNA have functions related to making proteins. RNA is also the genetic material of some viruses instead of DNA. RNA can be made in the laboratory and used in research studies. Also called ribonucleic acid. Oral, by or having to do with the mouth (i.e., oral cavity, or ostium). Ingestion, taking into the body by mouth.
- It could seem apparant that, if it is known that you were exposed to the hepatitis A virus, you may be given the vaccine (i.e., vaccinum) to prevent the disease. Vaccine is a substance or group of substances meant to cause the immune system to respond to a tumor (i.e., neoplasm) or to microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses. A vaccine can help the body recognize and destroy cancer cells or microorganisms.