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What is cancer zoledronate?
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- cancer zoledronate
Preview- It looks that, sU011248 vs interferon in 1st line treatment of metastatic kidney (i.e., ren, or nephros) malignant neoplastic disease Zoledronate in metastatic kidney cancer. Interferon is a biological answer modifier (a substance that can improve the body`s natural response to infections and other diseases). Interferons interfere with the division (i.e., divisio) of cancer cells and can slow tumor (i.e., neoplasm) growth. There are several types of interferons, including interferon-alpha, -beta, and -gamma. The organic structure normally produces these substances. They are also made in the testing ground to treat cancer and other diseases. SU011248 is a drug used to treat certain types of pancreatic cancer. It is also used to treat gastrointestinal stromal (i.e., stromic) tumors (Effect) in some patients and to treat advanced kidney malignant neoplastic disease. It is being studied in the treatment of other types of cancer. SU011248 boodle cancer cells from dividing and may prevent the growing of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow. It is a type of tyrosine kinase inhibitor and a type of angiogenesis (i.e., arteriogenesis) inhibitor. Also called SU11248, sunitinib, sunitinib malate, and Sutent. Kidney cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the kidneys. Kidney cancer includes renal (i.e., nephric) cell carcinoma (i.e., renal adenocarcinoma) (cancer that forms in the lining of very small tubes in the kidney that filter (i.e., filtrum) the blood and remove waste products) and renal pelvis (i.e., pelvis renalis, or ureteric pelvis) carcinoma (cancer that forms in the center of the kidney where urine collects). It also includes Wilms tumor (i.e., nephroblastoma), which is a type of kidney cancer that usually develops in children under the age of 5. Kidney, one of a pair of organs in the abdomen (i.e., venter). The kidneys remove waste and extra water (i.e., aromatic water) from the blood (as urine) and help keep chemicals (such as sodium, potassium, and calcium) balanced in the body. The kidneys also make hormones that help control blood pressure and stimulate bone marrow to make red blood cells. Metastatic, having to do with metastasis (i.e., secondaries), which is the spread of cancer from the primary site (place where it started) to other places in the body.
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