Materials: Frosta Stool, Malm 3-cabinets drawer
Description: As I got some new speakers and limited space, I've been trying to find dual speaker stand which can position two speakers on top of one another. Standard speaker stands are not available, and I tried to google Ikea stuff, and voila! I got my inspiration from the Frosta speaker stand which was posted about a week ago.
Based on the same idea, I bought four Frosta stools, and here's how I made them into speaker stands (two levels).
1. Attach three legs of Frosta to the round wood. I made mine positioned at 120 degrees from each other.
2. Prepare backside of Malm drawer, attach three legs for base, two legs stick out to one side (front)' another one to other (back ) side. Let's call it base and center section.
3. Attach two legs into round wood, make sure these two legs stick out to front side of Malm board (see step 2)
4. Attach the assembly on point 3 to base and center section.
~ Andre Lim, Singapore