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Information linking leukemia to smoking
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- smoking
Preview- It`s possible to observe, the thing that smokers believe is that smoking is a bad habit, hence difficult to suppress, they also believe that they smoke because they want to, the only way they can quit is through a lot of willpower, that a cigarette is essential for relaxation or to do work, that.
- It would appear apparant that, smoking is one of the major addictions to take a hold of mankind, and The Painless Stop Smoking Program is the best way out of this addiction.
- For instance, the Painless Stop Smoking cure has detailed information about smoking, and what you need to do in order to quit it for good without having any side effects. Cure, to heal or restore health; a treatment to restore health.
- information linking leukemia
Leukemia, cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of blood cells to be produced and enter the bloodstream.
Preview- It`s possible to conclude that, this report explains that cellular damage and tissue inflammation from tobacco smoke are immediate, and that repeated exposure weakens the bodys ability to heal the damage and can lead to serious illness or death. Tissue is a group or layer of cells that work together to perform a specific function. Inflammation, redness, swelling, pain, and/or a feeling of heat in an area of the body. This is a protective reaction to injury, disease, or irritation of the tissues. Tobacco is a plant with leaves that have high levels of the addictive chemical nicotine. The leaves may be smoked (in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes), applied to the gums (as dipping and chewing tobacco), or inhaled (as snuff). Tobacco leaves also contain many cancer-causing chemicals, and tobacco use and exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke have been linked to many types of cancer and other diseases. The scientific name is Nicotiana tabacum.
- It`s obvious that, smoking causes many other types of cancer, including cancers of the throat, mouth, nasal cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix, and acute myeloid leukemia. Acute, symptoms or signs that begin and worsen quickly; not chronic. Esophagus is the muscular tube through which food passes from the throat to the stomach. Myeloid, having to do with or resembling the bone marrow. May also refer to certain types of hematopoietic (blood-forming) cells found in the bone marrow. Sometimes used as a synonym for myelogenous; for example, acute myeloid leukemia and acute myelogenous leukemia are the same disease. Throat is the hollow tube inside the neck that starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the trachea (windpipe) and esophagus (the tube that goes to the stomach). The throat is about 5 inches long, depending on body size. Also called pharynx. Acute myeloid leukemia is an aggressive (fast-growing) disease in which too many myeloblasts (immature white blood cells that are not lymphoblasts) are found in the bone marrow and blood. Also called acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, acute nonlymphocytic leukemia, AML, and ANLL. Bladder is the organ that stores urine. Nasal, by or having to do with the nose. Cavity is a hollow area or hole. It may describe a body cavity (such as the space within the abdomen) or a hole in a tooth caused by decay. Pancreas is a glandular organ located in the abdomen. It makes pancreatic juices, which contain enzymes that aid in digestion, and it produces several hormones, including insulin. The pancreas is surrounded by the stomach, intestines, and other organs. Cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus that forms a canal between the uterus and vagina. Kidney, one of a pair of organs in the abdomen. The kidneys remove waste and extra water from the blood (as urine) and help keep chemicals (such as sodium, potassium, and calcium) balanced in the body. The kidneys also make hormones that help control blood pressure and stimulate bone marrow to make red blood cells. Stomach is an organ that is part of the digestive system. The stomach helps digest food by mixing it with digestive juices and churning it into a thin liquid.
- It might seem apparant that, exposure to certain chemicals, such as benzene which is found in gasoline and is used by the chemical industry also is linked to increased risk of some kinds of leukemia. Benzene is a chemical that is used widely by the chemical industry, and is also found in tobacco smoke, vehicle emissions, and gasoline fumes. Exposure to benzene may increase the risk of developing leukemia.
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