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What is cancer pancreatoduodenectomy?
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- cancer pancreatoduodenectomy
Pancreatoduodenectomy is a type of surgery used to treat pancreatic cancer. The head of the pancreas, the duodenum, a portion of the stomach, and other nearby tissues are removed. Also called Whipple procedure. Cancer is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. There are several main types of cancer. Carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Sarcoma is a cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Leukemia is a cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow, and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood. Lymphoma and multiple myeloma are cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system. Central nervous system cancers are cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Also called malignancy.
Preview- It`s possible to presume that, recent studies have shown that the wide range of rates of microscopic margin involvement (R1) in pancreatoduodenectomy specimens (18-85, 0-27 and 0-72 per (by or through) cent respectively for pancreatic, ampullary and distal bile duct cancers) is mainly caused by differences in pathological assessment rather than surgical practice and patient selection. Bile is a fluid made by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Bile is excreted into the small intestine, where it helps digest fat. Bile duct is a tube through which bile passes in and out of the liver. Pancreatic, having to do with the pancreas. Microscopic, too small to be seen without a microscope. Margin is the edge or border of the tissue removed in cancer surgery. The margin is described as negative or clean when the pathologist finds no cancer cells at the edge of the tissue, suggesting that all of the cancer has been removed. The margin is described as positive or involved when the pathologist finds cancer cells at the edge of the tissue, suggesting that all of the cancer has not been removed. Assessment is in healthcare, a process used to learn about a patient`s condition. This may include a complete medical history, medical tests, a physical exam, a test of learning skills, tests to find out if the patient is able to carry out the tasks of daily living, a mental health evaluation, and a review of social support and community resources available to the patient.
- One can assume that, pancreatoduodenectomy or Whipple Procedure is a surgery performed for duodenal or pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells are found in the tissues of the pancreas. Also called exocrine cancer. Surgery is a procedure to remove or repair a part of the body or to find out whether disease is present. An operation.
- It`s possible to observe, pancreatic cancer, pancreatoduodenectomy, Whipple procedure, epidural anesthesia and analgesia, outcomes Analgesia, pain relief. Anesthesia is a loss of feeling or awareness caused by drugs or other substances. Anesthesia keeps patients from feeling pain during surgery or other procedures. Local anesthesia is a loss of feeling in one small area of the body. Regional anesthesia is a loss of feeling in a part of the body, such as an arm or leg. General anesthesia is a loss of feeling and a complete loss of awareness that feels like a very deep sleep. Epidural, having to do with the space between the wall of the spinal canal and the covering of the spinal cord. An epidural injection is given into this space.
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