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What is cancer methylphenidate?
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- cancer methylphenidate
Cancer is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. There are several main types of cancer. Carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Sarcoma is a cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Leukemia is a cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow, and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood. Lymphoma and multiple myeloma are cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system. Central nervous system cancers are cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Also called malignancy.
Preview- It`s apparent that, we also hypothesize that there is a synergistic effect of methylphenidate plus nursing phone calls on the reduction of fatigue as compared to the effects of either methylphenidate or nursing phone calls alone on cancer-related fatigue. To test these hypotheses, we propose a randomized, placebo-controlled 2-week study in 212 patients with metastatic or incurable cancer comparing methylphenidate versus placebo; half of the patients in the drug arm and half in the placebo arm will be randomized to receive nursing follow-up phone calls every 2 days while the other half of the randomized sample will receive standard care. Metastatic, having to do with metastasis, which is the spread of cancer from the primary site (place where it started) to other places in the body. Fatigue is a condition marked by extreme tiredness and inability to function due lack of energy. Fatigue may be acute or chronic. Synergistic is in medicine, describes the interaction of two or more drugs when their combined effect is greater than the sum of the effects seen when each drug is given alone. Reduction is a chemical reaction that takes place when a substance comes into contact with hydrogen or another reducing substance. Placebo-controlled, refers to a clinical study in which the control patients receive a placebo. Follow-up, monitoring a person`s health over time after treatment. This includes keeping track of the health of people who participate in a clinical study or clinical trial for a period of time, both during the study and after the study ends. Placebo is an inactive substance or treatment that looks the same as, and is given the same way as, an active drug or treatment being tested. The effects of the active drug or treatment are compared to the effects of the placebo.
- One can notice, research Topics Methylphenidate for Fatigue in Advanced Cancer Patients Summary Principal Investigator Affiliation The University of Texas Country USA Abstract Fatigue is one of the most common and devastating symptoms in patients with advanced
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