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Information on chest pains and breast cancer
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- information chest pains
Preview- One can deduce that, risk Although many disorders can contribute to chest pain, risk of myocardial infarction, the most life-threatening disorder for which chest pain is a common symptom, is greatest among individuals who have a family history of heart disease; smoke; are, use cocaine; have high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force of circulating blood on the walls of the arteries. Blood pressure is taken using two measurements: systolic (measured when the heart beats, when blood pressure is at its highest) and diastolic (measured between heart beats, when blood pressure is at its lowest). Blood pressure is written with the systolic blood pressure first, followed by the diastolic blood pressure (for example 120/80). Blood is a tissue with red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and other substances suspended in fluid called plasma. Blood takes oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, and carries away wastes. High blood pressure is a blood pressure of 140/90 or higher. High blood pressure usually has no symptoms. It can harm the arteries and cause an increase in the risk of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, and blindness. Also called hypertension. Family history is a record of the relationships among family members along with their medical histories. This includes current and past illnesses. A family history may show a pattern of certain diseases in a family. Also called family medical history. Symptom is an indication that a person has a condition or disease. Some examples of symptoms are headache, fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and pain.
- For instance, if anti-anginal drugs were given, does individual with nonspecific chest pain understand they were not prescribed for any detectable heart disease.
- It`s that, chest pain caused by panic or anxiety is often accompanied by rapid breathing and/or dyspnea, heart palpations, sweating, and reported insomnia. Anxiety, feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness that may occur as a reaction to stress. A person with anxiety may sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heart beat. Extreme anxiety that happens often over time may be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Insomnia, difficulty in going to sleep or getting enough sleep. Panic, sudden extreme anxiety or fear that may cause irrational thoughts or actions. Panic may include rapid heart rate, flushing (a hot, red face), sweating, and trouble breathing.
- information chest breast cancer
Breast, glandular organ located on the chest. The breast is made up of connective tissue, fat, and breast tissue that contains the glands that can make milk. Also called mammary gland. Breast cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare. Cancer is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. There are several main types of cancer. Carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Sarcoma is a cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Leukemia is a cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow, and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood. Lymphoma and multiple myeloma are cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system. Central nervous system cancers are cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Also called malignancy.
Preview- It would appear apparant that, it`s important to be aware of how risk factors such as family history, lifestyle factors, breast conditions, radiation therapy, and hormonal factors may influence your chances of developing breast cancer. Radiation, energy released in the form of particle or electromagnetic waves. Common sources of radiation include radon gas, cosmic rays from outer space, medical x-rays, and energy given off by a radioisotope (unstable form of a chemical element that releases radiation as it breaks down and becomes more stable). Radiation therapy is the use of high-energy radiation from x-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, protons, and other sources to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation may come from a machine outside the body (external-beam radiation therapy), or it may come from radioactive material placed in the body near cancer cells (internal radiation therapy). Systemic radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance, such as a radiolabeled monoclonal antibody, that travels in the blood to tissues throughout the body. Also called irradiation and radiotherapy. Family history is a record of the relationships among family members along with their medical histories. This includes current and past illnesses. A family history may show a pattern of certain diseases in a family. Also called family medical history. Therapy, treatment.
- It might seem apparant that, the most common cause of sternum pain, as mentioned above, is metastases. It is essential that you discuss sternum pain with your doctor, after your initial breast cancer diagnosis, so the proper tests can be performed and treatment can be administered. Sternum is the long flat bone that forms the center front of the chest wall. The sternum is attached to the collarbone and the first seven ribs. Also called breastbone. Diagnosis is the process of identifying a disease, such as cancer, from its signs and symptoms.
- For example, in its early stages, breast cancer is generally asymptomatic, although a woman may feel a lump or, in the case of inflammatory breast cancer, the skin of the breast may appear infected. Pain in the sternum does not normally accompany breast cancer, and may be a sign that the cancer has metastasized to the sternum. Asymptomatic, having no signs or symptoms of disease. Inflammatory, having to do with inflammation (redness, swelling, pain, and a feeling of heat that helps protect tissues affected by injury or disease). Inflammatory breast cancer is a type of breast cancer in which the breast looks red and swollen and feels warm. The skin of the breast may also show the pitted appearance called peau d`orange (like the skin of an orange). The redness and warmth occur because the cancer cells block the lymph vessels in the skin.
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