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Cancer - What is malnutrition
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- cancer malnutrition
Malnutrition is a condition caused by not getting enough calories or the right amount of key nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, that are needed for health. Malnutrition may occur when there is a lack of nutrients in the diet or when the body cannot absorb nutrients from food. Cancer and cancer treatment may cause malnutrition. Cancer is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. There are several main types of cancer. Carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Sarcoma is a cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Leukemia is a cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow, and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood. Lymphoma and multiple myeloma are cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system. Central nervous system cancers are cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Also called malignancy.
Preview- It might seem apparant that, based on data indicating that decreases in body weight (BW), arm muscle circumference (AMC), and rapid-turnover proteins (RTPs) correlate with fatal septic complications after surgery for esophageal cancer, we examined possible factors contributing to protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) in patients with this disease. Surgery is a procedure to remove or repair a part of the body or to find out whether disease is present. An operation. Calorie is a measurement of the energy content of food. The body needs calories as to perform its functions, such as breathing, circulating the blood, and physical activity. When a person is sick, their body may need extra calories to fight fever or other problems. Esophageal cancer, cancer that forms in tissues lining the esophagus (the muscular tube through which food passes from the throat to the stomach). Two types of esophageal cancer are squamous cell carcinoma (cancer that begins in flat cells lining the esophagus) and adenocarcinoma (cancer that begins in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids). Esophageal, having to do with the esophagus, the muscular tube through which food passes from the throat to the stomach.
- It really is obvious that, the type of cancer is one. For instance, in the same survey I mentioned above, only about 6% of patients with leukemia, sarcomas and breast cancer suffered weight loss of 10% or more, whereas 15 to 40% of those with gastrointestinal cancers had significant malnutrition. For obvious reasons, head and neck cancers are the most frequently associated with malnutrition; in several surveys more than 40% of head and neck cancer patients were malnourished.(2) Russell Is there any evidence that malnutrition has a real impact on cancer treatment or on a person`s chances of surviving the disease? Significant is in statistics, describes a mathematical measure of difference between groups. The difference is said to be significant if it is greater than what might be expected to happen by chance alone. Also called statistically significant. Leukemia, cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of blood cells to be produced and enter the bloodstream. Gastrointestinal, refers to the stomach and intestines. Also called GI. Malnourished, describes a condition caused by not getting enough calories or the right amount of key nutrients needed for health. Key nutrients include vitamins and minerals. ALL is an aggressive (fast-growing) type of leukemia (blood cancer) in which too many lymphoblasts (immature white blood cells) are found in the blood and bone marrow. Also called acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia. Breast, glandular organ located on the chest. The breast is made up of connective tissue, fat, and breast tissue that contains the glands that can make milk. Also called mammary gland. Breast cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare.
- You can recognize, for instance, in the same survey I mentioned above, only about 6% of patients with leukemia, sarcomas and breast cancer suffered weight loss of 10% or more, whereas 15 to 40% of those with gastrointestinal cancers had significant malnutrition. For obvious reasons, head and neck cancers are the most frequently associated with malnutrition; in several surveys more than 40% of head and neck cancer patients were malnourished.(2) Russell Is there any evidence that malnutrition has a real impact on cancer treatment or on a person`s chances of surviving the disease? Mason That`s an excellent question and one that is frequently asked.
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