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What is cancer cyanosis?
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- cancer cyanosis
Cyanosis, blue-colored skin caused by too little oxygen in the blood. Cancer is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. There are several main types of cancer. Carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Sarcoma is a cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Leukemia is a cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow, and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood. Lymphoma and multiple myeloma are cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system. Central nervous system cancers are cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Also called malignancy.
Preview- It would appear that, effect of gene Presentation of Lung Cancer No effective screening program difficult to detect early Local symptoms o Cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, chest pain, wheezing o SVC syndrome caused by obstruction of blood flow by intraluminal invasion or extraluminal compression by tumor Neck vein distention, chest wall vein distention, facial edema and plethora (excess of any body fluid) Upper thoracic venous collaterals become prominent Systemic symptoms o Constitution. Lung cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the lung, usually in the cells lining air passages. The two main types are small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. These types are diagnosed based on how the cells look under a microscope. Fluid is a substance that flows smoothly and takes the shape of its container. Liquids and gases are fluids. Thoracic, having to do with the chest. Compression is a pressing or squeezing together. In medicine, it can describe a structure, such as a tumor, that presses on another part of the body, such as a nerve. It can also describe the flattening of soft tissue, such as the breast, that occurs during a mammogram (x-ray of the breast). Gene is the functional and physical unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring. Genes are pieces of DNA, and most genes contain the information for making a specific protein. Blood is a tissue with red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and other substances suspended in fluid called plasma. Blood takes oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, and carries away wastes. Chest wall is the muscles, bones, and joints that make up the area of the body between the neck and the abdomen. Edema, swelling caused by excess fluid in body tissues. Syndrome is a set of symptoms or conditions that occur together and suggest the presence of a certain disease or an increased chance of developing the disease. Obstruction, blockage of a passageway. Vein is a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart from tissues and organs in the body. Tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue that results when cells divide more than they should or do not die when they should. Tumors may be benign (not cancer), or malignant (cancer). Also called neoplasm. Hemoptysis, coughing or spitting up blood from the respiratory tract. Lung, one of a pair of organs in the chest that supplies the body with oxygen, and removes carbon dioxide from the body. Systemic, affecting the entire body. Screening, checking for disease when there are no symptoms. Since screening may find diseases at an early stage, there may be a better chance of curing the disease. Examples of cancer screening tests are the mammogram (breast), colonoscopy (colon), and the Pap test and HPV test (cervix). Screening can also include checking for a person`s risk of developing an inherited disease by doing a genetic test.
- One can assume that, pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial edema due to CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) (Congestive heart failure) Clubbing nail bed heaped up pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer Cyanosis 5 gms of unsaturated hemoglobin Peripheral edema may be linked to cor pulmonale. Congestive heart failure, weakness of the heart muscle that leads to a buildup of fluid in body tissues. Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues and organs in the body and carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs. Testing for the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is usually part of a complete blood cell (CBC) test. It is used to check for conditions such as anemia, dehydration, and malnutrition. CHF is a condition in which the heart has trouble pumping blood through the body. It may develop over a long period of time. Symptoms include shortness of breath, problems exercising, fatigue, and swelling of the feet, ankles, and abdomen. CHF may be caused by coronary artery disease, a heart attack, or high blood pressure. It usually occurs in people aged 65 years or older. Also called chronic heart failure. Fibrosis is the growth of fibrous tissue. Pulmonary, having to do with the lungs.
- It would seem to be apparant that, o Non-imprinted areas of X chromosome higher dose effect of gene Presentation of Lung Cancer No effective screening program difficult to detect early Local symptoms o Cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, chest pain, wheezing o SVC syndrome caused by obstruction of blood flow by intraluminal invasion or extraluminal compression by tumor Neck. Chromosome, part of a cell that contains genetic information. Except for sperm and eggs, all human cells contain 46 chromosomes.
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