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Cancer - What is Pretreatment strategies infection prevention
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- cancer pretreatment strategies infection prevention
Preview- It`s apparent that, other concomitant (i.e., comitant) malignant disease (i.e., illness, or morbus); active infection; history of serious complications related to surgery; active gastrointestinal ulcers; history of myocardial infarction (i.e., infarct) within three months; severe mental (i.e., genial, or genian) disorder; pregnant (i.e., gravid) or lactating women; and other serious concomitant systemic. Surgery is a procedure to remove or repair a part of the body or to find out whether disease is present. An operation. Malignant, cancerous. Malignant cells can invade and destroy nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body. Gastrointestinal, refers to the stomach (i.e., gaster, or ventriculus) and intestines. Also called GI. Concomitant, occurring or existing at the same time as something else. In medicine, it may refer to a condition a person has or a medication a person is taking that is not being studied in the clinical trial he or she is taking part in. Systemic, affecting the entire body.
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