Materials: Numerar Kitchen top, Old Expedit 2x4 Bookcase
Description: An old Expedit 2x4 bookcase destined for the recycling yard was "recycled" after lots of inspiration from this site.
The requirements/ functionality that led to this...
Any self respecting mountain biker would proudly attach bragging rights to the numerous clutter amassed over the years of riding. But dealing with the eyesore on a day to day basis is just a bit too much for me. My tools and small parts has been squared away but big bulky items like bike frames and wheels has been the problem.
Moreover with the bike/toyroom is in the middle of the apartment keeping things neat is important. Of course there is also my multifunction-flush-fit-everything fetish.
I listed down all the things needed...
~ Want a standing workstation that can standalone by itself but can easily incorporate expansion later
~ Want a bike parts light repair area/ putter workstation that will double up for working with laptop
~ Want to hide or store away neatly rims/ wheels and spare frames. This was the biggest challenge.
~ Don't want to spend a fortune.
~ Don't need a a bombproof bench (but of course something still solid enough).
Thus with some planning on Google Sketch was born... Anvil's Hidden Bike Frame Crouching Rims" Storage/Display Workstation
(details on the "display" part is still in the works with some shelving/ lighting on the recessed wall behind)
The hack on the Expedit is minor (but lots of work with manual woodworking tools). Shortening the width by ~1cm and reconfiguring the shelving in order to fit. A base was built from leftovers in my kitchen renovation. The only expensive part was the Numera Oak kitchen top... but I figured it is still hell of a huge saving if I have bought just some industrial workbench.
The whole setup is far from finished at this point. MDF boards would be covering up the back so the bike frame storage area will be totally hidden. Closing up to dust proof/ insect proofing etc... More to come.
See more of the Expedit bike parts storage.
~ Den, Singapore