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What is cancer laryngoscope?
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- cancer laryngoscope
Preview- One can view, laryngoscope one hundred eleven 18781892|||| Lothaire P, de Azambuja E, Dequanter D, Lalami Y, Sotiriou C, Andry G, Castro Jr G, Awada A (2006) Molecular markers of head (i.e., caput) and neck (i.e., cervix (i.e., neck, or cervix of uterus), or collum) squamous (i.e., scaly) cell carcinoma promising signs in need of prospective evaluation. Carcinoma, cancer that begins in the skin (i.e., cutis) or in tissues that line or cover internal (i.e., internus) organs. Squamous cell carcinoma, cancer that begins in squamous cells, which are thin, flat cells that look like fish scales. Squamous cells are found in the tissue that forms the surface (i.e., face, or facies) of the skin, the lining of the hollow organs of the body, and the passages of the respiratory and digestive (i.e., digestant) tracts. Also called epidermoid carcinoma (i.e., epidermoid cancer). ALL is an aggressive (fast-growing) type of leukemia (i.e., leukocytic sarcoma) (blood (i.e., haema) cancer) in which too many lymphoblasts (immature white (i.e., albicans) blood cells) are found in the blood and bone (i.e., os) marrow (i.e., medulla ossium). Also called acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia (i.e., lymphatic (i.e., vas lymphaticum) leukemia, or lymphoid leukemia). Cell is the individual unit that makes up the tissues of the body. All living things are made up of one or more cells. Prospective is in medicine, a study or clinical trial in which participants are identified and then followed forward in time. Squamous cell, flat cell that looks like a fish scale under a microscope. These cells cover inside and outside surfaces of the body. They are found in the tissues that form the surface of the skin, the lining of the hollow organs of the body (such as the bladder, kidney (i.e., ren, or nephros), and uterus (i.e., metra, or womb)), and the passages of the respiratory and digestive tracts.
- It really is clear that, laryngoscope one hundred eight 15481552|||| Lavertu P, Adelstein DJ, Myles J, Secic M (2001) P53 and Ki-67 as outcome predictors for advanced squamous cell cancers of the head and neck opening treated with chemoradiotherapy. Outcome is a specific result or effect that can be measured. Examples of outcomes include decreased pain, reduced tumor (i.e., neoplasm) size, and improvement of disease (i.e., illness, or morbus). Chemoradiotherapy, treatment that combines chemotherapy with radiation (i.e., radiatio) therapy. Also called chemoradiation.
- It seems that, laryngoscope one hundred eighteen 408414|| Brenner H (hypodermic (i.e., subcutaneous, or hypodermic injection)) (2002) Long-term survival rates of cancer patients achieved by the end of the 20th century a period analysis. Analysis is a process (i.e., processus) in which anything complex (i.e., sequence) is separated into simple or less complex parts.
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