Materials: 2 Expedits (4x4 + 2x4), wood drill, wood glue, 3 plates, wood screws, 38.8 x 68.8 cm board, 30 x 60 cm keyboard drawer, 147 x 72 light wood panel
Description: Hello there, a baby girl soon to come and a brand new 27" all-in-one computer ... I had to rearrange a few things in our apartment and get some thinking done: I needed a desk not deeper than 40 cm and with as much storage space as possible. A few sleepless nights and once more, Ikea was the solution ... well, of course hacked Ikea :-)
The 149cm wide and 39cm deep Expedit shelves looked perfect in term of size, but I had to turn them into a
comfortable desk. I simply removed (or better say did not install) the inner part of a 4x4 to create the desk space. This is feasible if you make sure you use the long boards vertically and not horizontally as described in the construction notice from Ikea. Instead of the wooden dowels, I used wood screws to fix the small shelves in the vertical boards. I cut a white board (68,8 x 38,8 cm) and fixed it with wood screws in the vertical boards, to use as the screen stand. I bought a 30 x 60 cm keyboard drawer from Ebay and fixed it under the screen stand - I could have built it myself but chose the easy option!
I covered the back of the desk space with a light wood panel and drilled inside a small circular hole for the cables.
I stacked a 2x4 Expedit shelved on top, and got inspired from "My re-structured Expedit"-Hack to get rid of the double frame.
As a result, I have a lot of storage place and a comfortable computer desk.
The next step is too add some colors but I have not made up my mind yet (stickers, paint, ...). Can take a while before I decide ... will post something when I am ready.
~ Juliette, Hamburg, Germany
I covered the back of the desk space with a light wood panel and drilled inside a small circular hole for the cables.
I stacked a 2x4 Expedit shelved on top, and got inspired from "My re-structured Expedit"-Hack to get rid of the double frame.
As a result, I have a lot of storage place and a comfortable computer desk.
The next step is too add some colors but I have not made up my mind yet (stickers, paint, ...). Can take a while before I decide ... will post something when I am ready.
~ Juliette, Hamburg, Germany