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Cancer - What is eighth grade
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- cancer eighth grade
Preview- It`s apparent that, designed to help increase colorectal cancer screening among adults. Colorectal cancer, cancer that develops in the colon (the longest part of the large intestine (i.e., bowel, or gut) (i.e., intestinum crassum)) and/or the rectum (the last several inches of the large intestine before the anus (i.e., anal orifice)). Colorectal, having to do with the colon or the rectum. Screening, checking for disease when there are no symptoms. Since screening may find diseases at an early stage, there may be a better chance of curing the disease. Examples of cancer screening tests are the mammogram (breast (i.e., mamma, or teat)), colonoscopy (i.e., coloscopy) (colon), and the Pap test (i.e., papanicolaou smear test) and HPV test (cervix (i.e., neck, or cervix of uterus)). Screening can also include checking for a person`s risk of developing an inherited disease by doing a genetic test.